What a shame

HOW disappointing to read your front page story this week.
I was at the Narre Warren North Pre Poll voting booth every day and did not see any evidence to support the Liberal candidate’s complaints. I know that the Labor volunteers had all been briefed about acceptable behaviour and not to make any disparaging remarks about candidates. It was obvious that at least three of the Liberal team had not had such instructions, but I won’t go into details. I’m sure the returning officer would have responded appropriately to any official complaints from the Liberal candidate or her campaign manager, had there been any real concerns.
I think the main impediments to people wanting to cast a vote at the pre-poll booth were the number of huge trailer-mounted Liberal billboards and Liberal badged cars parked along the roadsides outside the polling booth and the gang of people in blue T-shirts who surrounded the gate to the booth to ensure their candidate was the last person to speak to each of the voters.
One wonders where the funds came from to pay for all the marketing and the all-night security guards to protect Liberal posters at the Saturday polling booths.
It’s a real shame that many potentially good councillors in the City of Casey get talked into running for State Government elections.
Brian Oates,
Endeavour Hills.