Foundation of excellence

From left, Nossal High School principal Roger Page, vice captains Nathan Dalton and Ellie Cook, Sir Gustav Nossal, and captains Natasha Aulia and Sanjiv Ganesan. 133810 Picture: DONNA OATES


TO BUILD anything, one needs a strong foundation.
It is no different with Nossal High School, the Berwick-based select entry school which last week welcomed its new students and leaders for 2015.
The school held its annual Foundation Assembly in the gym on Friday where hundreds of students were welcomed with open arms.
The assembly recognised the school’s year 12 students for 2015 while also welcoming its new cohort of year nine students and a host of others across years 10 and 11 as well as new staff.
Sir Gustav Nossal, after whom the selective entry school is named, presented badges to students during the assembly before parents were invited to stay to meet him and their child’s teachers.
Nossal High School principal Roger Page welcomed students back for another year, while new School captains Natasha Aulia and Sanjiv Ganesan, and vice captains Ellie Cook and Nathan Dalton were also congratulated.
Last year students from Nossal achieved a median ATAR score of 90.68, with 13 students claiming a perfect study score of 50.
Nossal High School assistant principal Wayne Haworth congratulated the students on their strong results.
“We’re happy when the students are happy,” he said,
“We tell them that even when they’re passionate about something, to not put the blinkers on and ensure they have a big-picture vision.
“The motto of the school is to embrace the challenge.”