Val and Patrick keep it low key

Val and Patrick Bourke will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this week. 133789 Picture: DONNA OATES


VAL Bourke described her marriage as a “low key” affair.
But with Val and husband, Patrick, reaching their 60th wedding anniversary today (Thursday), there’s definitely a chance to celebrate.
“We were a low key couple really,” Val, from Berwick, said.
“We’re very family orientated and our happiest memories are with our two boys – when we had a caravan and we would drive around Australia, mainly up the east coast.
“We had wonderful times.”
Val, 83, met Patrick, 88, in 1952, back in those days when “everyone met at dances”.
This particular night Val caught a train into the city with girlfriends from her tennis club, and later found her future husband.
Three years after, on 5 February, 1955, Val and Patrick got married at the St James Catholic Church in North Road, Gardenvale.
The Bourkes originally lived together in Oakleigh for 33 years, before moving to Berwick to get closer to their two sons and their families.
And roughly a year and half ago the couple moved into Woodlands Park Retirement Village, where they’ve already made many new friends and memories.
“The boys had married and come down to Berwick and Hallam so we decided to buy a home down here, off Clyde road,” Val said.
“We were very fond of that house but as we got older the garden started to take hold of us.
This week the Bourkes have planned several celebratory events for the anniversary, with a mixture of friends and family attending.
A quiet dinner for two is also on the cards.
Val said it was wonderful to reach the major milestone, and to be so greatly supported by others.
“You wonder whether you’ll get there as you get older… you get to the 70 mark and wonder – are you going to get to 80… but we managed and we still socialise quite a bit.”