EMERALD sister act Amy and Josie Lawton might just be the most talented young siblings in the local area.
Amy, 13, along with her 10-year-old younger sister Josie both attend Berwick’s Haileybury campus and so far have appeared more than 15 times combined at Victorian state or national level across a staggering six sports; hockey, soccer, triathlon, athletics, cross-country and… Irish dancing.
There’s quite simply never a weekend during the school term that their parents Oliver and Julie aren’t driving them around to their various sporting commitments.
And they couldn’t be more proud.
“Amy was in a state schools’ soccer team, which she was captain of as well, and Victoria won gold – which they’ve never done before,” Julie said.
“That was a great achievement for that team… and Josie has been to nationals with her Irish dancing.
“Actually last year started with Josie coming second at the state multis (similar to pentathlon) and then she got two gold and a silver at the track and field.
“Then Amy was in the 13A (Victorian) side for hockey and that was the conclusion of the year.”
Amy is a prodigiously talented hockey and soccer player, and now she’s discovered yet another sport she excels at – triathlon.
She’ll head to Penrith in New South Wales in April to compete in the nationals.
Last year, both girls made the 12-and-under state school hockey team.
The girls participate in many of the same sports – the key differences being Josie is a keen Irish dancer while Amy’s a soccer player.
“Their school is very supportive,” Julie added.
“They still have an expectation, and we’ve always said to them as well that education comes before sport so they’re aware that if they start to slide then they’re to let us know so that we can cut back appropriately.”
Amy said she wouldn’t know what to do with herself after school if it wasn’t for sport, but Julie isn’t convinced.
“I think they’d both find something, to be honest, because even over last summer holidays we spent three weeks at Wilsons Prom and they were in the surf the whole time.
“Even in their off time they still choose to be active.”