A GROUP of front runners joined hands last week to take a stand against all forms of violence.
Community leaders including local MPs, councillors, representatives from the Casey Multi Faith Network and police officers gathered in Narre Warren on Friday 20 February to make a statement of intent against violence in the community.
The statement was part of a collective effort to unite against all forms of violence, and reaffirm the stance that leaders in the community won’t stand for any type of discrimination.
It also highlighted that the City of Casey would welcome people from different, countries, religions and cultures.
Local Inspector Paul Breen, who also spoke out late last year, said this was “a test of our leadership.”
“I am calling you all to be strong in your conviction against violence and not waiver to the criminal minority who may seek to threaten our peaceful existence,” he said.
“As the Local Area Commander, I give you, the community a very firm commitment that Victoria Police will preserve the peace and uphold the law by increasing our patrols, proactively targeting any identified ‘hot spots’ and, being highly visible throughout the City of Casey.”
Narre Warren North MP Luke Donnellan said Friday was about “reinforcing an existing message”.
“It is important that we continue to work together to ensure the City of Casey remains the same vibrant and multicultural community,” he said.
Statement of Intent Against Violence
We, as local leaders in the community stand together as one, committed and unified against all forms of violence including street violence, family violence and any form of racism, discrimination or vilification based on religion, culture or nationality.
The Casey community is a diverse and harmonious place where people from many different countries, faiths and cultures have made their home. We believe every Victorian has the right to feel safe and secure in our community in the practice of their faith, the pursuit of their values, beliefs and interests.
The strength of our diversity in the Casey community provides a strong foundation to face challenges in a positive and peaceful way.
As a community we commit to being sensitive and respectful to others. While recognising differences we also commit to embracing and celebrating our similarities.Together, we will commit to being law abiding and, to live in peace.