Teens tame the greens

Bailey Clapton and Dylan LaRocca won their way through to tee off at state level golf on Monday. 139032 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


THE sky’s the limit for two rising star golfers from Lyndhurst Secondary College, who competed at state level on Monday.
Year 10 students Bailey Clapton, 16, and Dylan LaRocca, 15, won their way through the Southern Metropolitan Region, and district qualifiers to compete at state level on Monday at Churchill Park – where Bailey came fifth out of a field of 80 students, and Dylan also performed exceedingly well.
Lyndhurst teacher Adam Kruger has been with the boys throughout every step of the way in their journey so far, and he says their progress has been nothing short of remarkable – they both continue to lower their handicaps, seemingly on a weekly basis, and each of them wants to see how far their talent will take them in the sport.
Bailey plays predominantly at Berwick Montuna, where his father Andrew is club captain, while for Dylan it’s all about Amstel and Settlers Run.
“I’d like to go professional if I could, but if not my other opportunity is to do a tour teaching program, like a coach, and teach little kids how to play the game,” Bailey said.
“Dad got me right into the game and I haven’t stopped since.”
Whereas Dylan got money for his fifth birthday and all he had his heart set on was a set of golf clubs.
Both boys have golfing idols that they emulate, with Dylan a fan of Adam Scott and Jason Day particularly.
This is the third year they’ve been involved in the School Sports Victoria golfing competition, and they both want to continue right through to Year 12.
And when it comes to the most challenging part of one of the most challenging sports on the planet – both boys are unanimous.
It’s the mental side of it – the ongoing battle for consistency.
“You just can’t let a bad shot get to you,” Bailey said.
Mr Kruger has had the opportunity to watch both boys in action during competition play, and he praised Bailey’s power off the tee, and Dylan’s short game. Yet both of them know that good, strong putting is the key.
Keep an eye on the News for more on these two prodigiously talented youngsters.