I WRITE in response to Mr Glazebrook’s letter (News, 25 May).
The City of Casey has worked hard to deliver one of the lowest rate rises in outer metropolitan Melbourne.
The rates and waste charge for residential properties will increase by an average of 3.87 per cent, or $62 per year, which less than $1.20 per week. In 15/16 we will invest $91 million in community infrastructure.
Some residents have asked us about the surplus listed in our budget papers.
The draft budget includes a $1.5 billion surplus, which represents the accumulation over many years of the annual accrual accounting surplus from operating activities, which is used to help fund council’s capital works program.
It is not a cash reserve, but has mainly been invested in council’s growing asset base.
Council’s assets are represented by the property, plant and equipment item in the balance sheet.
Council only raises the amount of rates it requires each year to fund its operations and capital works program.
To claim council is using rates to grow a surplus is simply untrue. We encourage residents to visit www.caseyconversations.com.au/budget and have their say on the draft budget by 16 June 2015.
Mick Morland,
City of Casey.