Casey Winter Arts Festival
SHAKE off the winter cold with workshops and classes or participate in film and theatre at this year’s Winter Arts Festival.
The three month long festival showcases the arts in Casey from June to August.
An evening of traditional Indian classical dance will be performed by students of Navaratna Arts. This event is a fundraiser for The Brain Foundation to support ongoing research and commemorates the Indian Independence Day on 15 August.
– Cranbourne Community Theatre, Brunt Street. Saturday 15 August, 7pm to 9pm. Cost: adult $20, concession $15, child $10. Contact Revati Ilanko on 0433 668 800 or email navaratnaarts@gmail.com for more information.
Fungi fairies
CHILDREN are invited to wear their best fairy or elf costume and search for the cheeky fungi fairies and elves in the Australian Garden as part of the fungi fairies and elves program for children aged three to five years old.
The program includes story time and song, a walk and craft. The children will get to make fairy and elf paper toadstool ties and tiaras and decorate them with wildflowers.
– Corner of Ballarto Road and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne. On Thursday 2 July from 10am to 11am. Cost $7.40 per child. Contact the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne, on 5990 2200 for more information.
Walk the centre
CRANBOURNE Park offers health walks where participants are taken by a qualified instructor from the YMCA.
Registrations can be taken on the day and participants are encouraged to wear loose fitting clothes and comfortable walking shoes.
– Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.40am in the fresh food area and the walk finishes at 8.45am.
Ageing positively
THE cinema program will screen the movie Advanced Style which examines the lives of seven unique New Yorkers whose eclectic personal style and vital spirit have guided their approach to ageing.
Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee after the movie.
– Hallam Community Theatre, 74-84 Frawley Road on Tuesday 30 June from 2pm to 4pm.
Girls’ night out
DRESS to impress to the theme of Sex and the City for a night out with the girls.
Gift bags, male waiters, tarot readings, makeup and beauty products and a three-course sit down dinner with wine and champagne on arrival are all planned for the night.
A percentage of the tickets sold will go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation with the chance to win a $2000 Flight Centre voucher and seven nights at Villa Jasa in Bali for eight people.
Tickets cost $50.
– Cranbourne Greyhound Racing Club, Friday 10 July 6.30pm with a band starting at 9.30pm. Bookings essential on 5996 2393 by Friday 19 June.
Free hearing tests
BETTER Hearing Australia will offer free consultations and hearing tests in Lynbrook and surrounding suburbs to help people suffering with hearing loss better manage their condition.
Services include hearing tests, hearing screenings, understanding hearing test results and advice on managing hearing loss or tinnitus.
Better Hearing Australia (Vic) also runs the Victorian Hearing Aid Bank where eligible people can access free hearing aids.
– Lynbrook Community Centre, corner Lynbrook Boulevard and Harris Street, from 9.30am to 4.30pm on 4 June, 2 July, 6 August, 3 September, 1 October, 5 November and 3 December. For further information contact Better Hearing Australia on 1300 242 842 or visit www.betterhearing.org.au.
Cooking with dad
The Cook it With Dad program is an opportunity for fathers and children to experience cooking together.
They can learn how to cook healthy meals with dad, spend some quality time together and strengthen their relationship as they meet other families and learn life skills as a team.
– Selandra Family and Children’s Centre, 45 Haflinger Avenue, Clyde North, Saturday 21 February to Saturday 12 December, 10.30am to noon. Held every Saturday during school terms. Registration is essential with the City of Casey on 9705 5200 or email dadsmatter@casey.vic.gov.au.
Digital camera classes
LEARN how to get the best out of a digital camera with digital SLR classes.
– Hallam Community Learning Centre, 56 Kays Avenue, Hallam, on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9.45am to 11.45am. Phone 9703 1688 for more details.
Mental health
GROW is offering a unique 12 step recovery focused program to those suffering from stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties.
Gold coin donation appreciated.
– The Berwick Group meets at the Berwick Neighbourhood Centre, 112 High Street, Berwick, Wednesdays at 10am. Contact the GROW Community Centre on 1800 558 268 or visit www.grow.net.au for more information.
Hand sewing workshop
JOIN acclaimed textile artist, Leesa Chandler and her team on a weeklong series of workshops exploring the art of hand sewing and stitchery techniques.
There will be a pop-up design studio, sewing studio and shop with workshops run by Leesa. Suitable for people with some experience in sewing.
– Corner of Ballarto Road and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne, off South Gippsland Highway. Meet at the Visitor Centre, 10am to noon and 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Tuesday 18 August and Sunday 23 August.
Indoor bowls
ENJOY an indoor full size regulation bowls day with all bowls supplied and coaching for beginners along with a cup of tea afterward.
– Casey Indoor Sports Centre, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road. Friday mornings 10am to noon. No charge on first day. Phone Ron on 5990 9048 or 0411 126 946 for more details.
Park run
PARTICIPATE with more than 100 others in a free five kilometre timed event every Saturday morning.
The event caters for serious runners and for those wanting a jog or even a walk.
– Saturdays at 8am at Berwick Springs, visit the Berwick Springs parkrun website for more information.
Bowls and bingo
HALLAM Senior Citizens Centre is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday and offers carpet bowls, bingo, games, club room events and day tours.
New members are welcome.
– 4 Princess Domain Drive, Hallam. For more information contact president Paul Lorenzo on 9703 1068 or secretary Dorothy Mickelson on 9796 7580.
Learn how to play mahjong
ONCE enough people are interested mahjong classes will be held.
Mahjong is a Chinese game played by four people with 136 or 144 rectangular pieces called tiles.
– The classes will be held on Fridays between 1pm and 3pm at the U3A rooms at 3/65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, opposite Casey Race Swimming Pool. For further information about this course, or to find out about all our other courses, contact tutor and co-ordinator Anne Thompson on 5996 7841 or 0419 509 875.