Publicity stunt

THE article, “Gridlocked,” in The Berwick News on 9 July 2015 relating to the traffic congestion at the intersection of Shrives Road and Centre Road in Narre Warren is indeed an immediate and serious matter to be dealt with. This intersection along with other traffic intersections across the Casey municipality are serious issues Traffic Minister Luke Donnellan must take into consideration.
Councillor Sam Aziz has called for an investigation of the site, however an investigation is unnecessary as Luke Donnellan MP fully realises the history of the traffic jams and collisions at this intersection. The attempt by Cr Aziz is purely a publicity exercise to assist him in his possible State Election campaign in 2018 as part of his political agenda to enter State Parliament.
Public advertisements such as these are the beginning of any State Election campaigns, and more is to follow. Who is fooling who Councillor Aziz?
It is bad enough we had five Casey Councillors Serey, Ablett (on two occasions), Crestani, Stapledon (on two occasions) and Berkelman’s use Local Council as a launching point into state and federal parliaments in 2013 and 2014. All councillors should have resigned because of their secretive political agendas.
On the issue of Victorian roads, it is the role of Local Government, more so State Government to deal with these immediately to avoid road deaths and tragedies for our motorists and local community members also our cyclists, pedestrians and the elderly.
I encourage all Casey constituents and motorists to place pressure on our state parliamentarians to repair and improve our roads across their electorates.
Paul Richardson
Endeavour Hills