Luncheon aims to look behind the numbers

Multifaith Network member and Challenge Family Violence mentor Jim Reiher. 109915 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


FAMILY violence isn’t a one-month-only affair.
It occurs all year around, at any time of day, and can rear its vicious head in both physical and emotional forms.
But at the end of this month, on 25 November, White Ribbon Day will be held yet again, and that means the Casey Multifaith Network’s annual White Ribbon Day luncheon will again be taking place.
The lunch, to be held at the Casey Council chambers, will feature three important keynote speakers – Challenge Family Violence Project community development officer Crystal Bruton, Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence program manager Roshan Bhandary, and Victoria Police Southern Metro multicultural liaison officer Maha Sukkar.
White Ribbon Day is a day that means a lot of things to a lot of different people.
Not least of all throughout the City of Casey, where family violence statistics continue to soar.
In the 12 months prior to June 2015 there were 3759 incidents of family violence recorded in the municipality.
Casey is a massive region but that does little to temper the harsh reality of the statistics – almost 4000 families were torn apart by violence in the last year.
Speaking at last year’s dinner Multifaith Network member and Challenge Family Violence mentor Jim Reiher spoke passionately about stopping the violence.
“The violence perpetrated by men against women must stop and it’s up to men to join the fight with women to stop it,” he said.
“The victims aren’t just statistics – they’re wives, sisters, mothers, daughters, friends.
“Men, we cannot sit on the sidelines.”
Last month the State Government announced $50,000 in funding to go towards the Women’s Health Association of Victoria to help prevent family violence.
Family Violence Prevention Minister Fiona Richardson said the association planned to use the money to deliver local events and develop useful resources in a bid to prevent violence before it occurs.
“Women’s Health Services are at the forefront of leadership in family violence prevention,” she said.
“The development of the Equality and Safety For Women Guide builds on years of expertise in raising awareness about the link between family violence, gender inequality and poor health outcomes for women.”
The Casey Multifaith Network White Ribbon Day Luncheon will take place on Thursday 19 November, from 1pm to 3pm, at the Casey Council chambers.
For more information on the multi-faith dinner, contact, or visit