Divide and conquer


What’s divisive?
Respecting the right of every Australian school kid to follow their cultural beliefs or giving national media coverage to anthem outrage?
I say the latter.
This issue was nothing more than racist Muslim bashing and I’m getting pretty sick of it.
Abbott and now Turnbull need to Muslim bash, otherwise how do they get our support for the death and destruction they are helping to wreak in the Middle East?
Without the Muslim bogeyman, how will they distract us from their very real attacks on our living standards?
When Reclaim Australia can be presented as “mums and dads” and “grandmothers” can let off steam about anthem insults in the media, then heaven help our penalty rates and get ready for a 15 per cent GST.
I’ll stand by working class Muslim kids any day.
Lorraine Pratley,
Cranbourne North.