Words at work

Members of the Casey Youth Press Caitlin and Jasmine enjoyed the discussion with Star News reporter Lachy Moorhead. 146833 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

ASPIRING young writers from Casey were given a first-hand glimpse into the world of journalism this week.
Star News reporter Lachy Moorhead was guest speaker on Thursday at the weekly writing session held by the Casey Youth Press, a group run out of the City of Casey’s Youth Services division.
The Casey Youth Press group was started this school term and gives students aged in their late teen to mid-twenties the opportunity to report on local events, news and issues and get their work published on the youth website and Facebook page.
It also encourages creative writing.
Teaming up with Star News, the City of Casey invited reporter Lachy to come down to this week’s session and speak about his experience as a journalist with students Tracy, Caitlin and Jasmine.
Lachy spoke about a range of topics including Star News’ target audience, how he gathers his stories, tips and tricks for interviewing, and the perks of the job.
He also shared some of the more memorable stories he’s covered, which include major news events such as the fatal shooting of Numan Haider outside Endeavour Hills police station, the search and rescue of missing 11-year-old Luke Shambrook, and even a recent interview with Corey Worthington.
Lachy also spoke about his interview with a Vietnam veteran after which the article helped the Berwick man get in touch with his fallen comrade’s family, all these years later.
The Casey Youth Press initiative was born out of council’s ‘Fresh Words’ writing program, which encourages young writers in the municipality to write and contribute their own original pieces.
While still in its early stages, the Youth Press program will be continuing at least into term one next year hopefully beyond.
For more information on Casey Youth Services, visit www.casey.vic.gov.au/youth/home