CASEY’S best young writers have put their pens to paper in 2015.
Earlier this month a range of Casey’s best young writers, poets and lyricists were recognised for participating in the Fresh Words Young Writers Competition.
The council received a record 288 entries this year, almost double the entries from 2014, with the nine winners of their respective categories, from year 7 to year 12, announced at a special awards ceremony on 12 November.
“Fresh Words is a wonderful way in which council promotes a positive image of our young people,” councillor Sam Aziz said.
“It is a platform which highlights the creativity and writing skills of our youth, while also serving to enhance the self-esteem of applicants.
“It is wonderful to see the creativity and courage of all 288 applicants who have taken the time to put pen to paper and showcase their written skills.
“It is often a forgotten craft but the discipline required to formulate an engaging story or capture the imagination of readers is a skill which is only more challenging when work is being judged.”
The judges for this year’s competition were past Fresh Words award winners Danielle Kutchel and Adrian Harper-Gomm, former Casey Youth Action Committee member Cherise Donovan, and community book club member Rebecca Gregory.
When assessing each piece the judges considered several criteria including the accuracy of spelling and grammar, how well the writer expressed his or her ideas, the vocabulary and control of the writing, and the originality of the concept.