Harmony in the air

Rosie enjoyed the performances. 151905 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS


THERE was more than a hint of harmony at James Cook Primary this week.
The Endeavour Hills school celebrated Harmony Day on Thursday before the Easter weekend, allowing students and staff to share in a host of different cultural experiences.
The school began its Harmony Day celebrations with dances that have originated in a number of different cultures, including India, Sri Lanka, Romania, Albania, Italy, Greece, and Australia.
Students, parents and staff also shared in a range of different culinary delights from around the world.
“Harmony Day is a very special day for our school community,” Principal Kathy Sharp said.
“One of our school values is inclusiveness and our students take this very seriously.
“Acceptance of diversity makes our school a richer place for learning for our students and families.”
For more information about Harmony Day, visit www.harmony.gov.au.