Reform forum to tackle social media issues

Local school leaders Pooja, Josh, Anagha, Zoya, Abdul with Anthony Byrne MP and Zachary, Shakila, Gul Dasta and Georgia discussing plans for an upcoming social media forum. 152932 Picture: ROB CAREW


NATIONAL Youth Week has prompted discussion around the social media challenges faced by young people, and some of Casey’s teenage leaders got talking with Anthony Byrne MP.
The annual national week runs from Friday 8 April to Sunday 17 and provides activities for people aged 12 to 25.
Federal Member for Holt Anthony Byrne MP met with the City of Casey Australia Day Study Tour students as part of the celebrations.
Mr Holt said he engaged in a brilliant conversation with the bright youths.
“Young people are confronting many challenges in the social media age,” Mr Byrne said.
“It was great to hear from them about their concerns and their ideas such as more peer to peer youth services for schools.”
In 2015, more than 20,000 young people from across Victoria participated in youth week festivities, and this year’s conversation in Casey has already wielded results.
Mr Byrne has decided to organise a social media forum with local students.
“This forum will discuss the ongoing challenges and ideas for reform to better protect young people online when dealing with social media services,” Mr Byrne said.
The forum will be the first of its kind in Casey, aimed directly at youth and for youth.