Red Cross needs fresh blood

Sue Elliott, Dorothy Dyball and Margaret Luxford need helpers to join the Red Cross branch. 168409_01 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Narre Warren North’s Red Cross branch is calling for an injection of youth into its ranks.
The 78-year-old branch carries a vital fund-raising tradition in the town from the beginnings of World War II, but numbers are dwindling.
As member Margaret Luxford puts it: “It would be a shame to let that legacy go.”
She said the branch members were keeping the flag flying for a worthy cause, but had lost several long-serving members in recent years.
“It would be disastrous if the branch could not continue the legacy of the efforts of the dedicated foundation members.”
Looking back at the branch’s early minutes, up to 40 members organised afternoon teas, and sourced 100 skeins of wool, flannelette, buttons and cotton to make jumpers and pyjamas.
They set up dances, bazaars and sessions playing the card game euchre to raise funds for the then-Berwick and District Patriotic Committee.
The members collected tins of food for needy families and medical equipment to loan to the public.
These days, the branch rattles tins at the local supermarket and has an annual birthday bash to raise money for Red Cross.
Members also serve hot drinks and food to donors at the visiting blood-bank every three months.
Ms Luxford said younger members were welcome to join to “rev us up a bit” and help raise more awareness and funds for Red Cross’s humanitarian aid locally and overseas
“We enjoy the socialising but fund-raising is the main objective.”
Details: Margaret Luxford, 9707 1452.