MP promotes prostate checks

Anthony Byrne gets tested for PSA levels during the prostate cancer awareness event.

Holt MP Anthony Byrne has rolled up his sleeve to help promote the importance of prostate cancer checks.
Mr Byrne gave a PSA blood test and took part in a discussion on the benefits of early prostate cancer detection as part of an awareness event at Parliament House in Canberra.
“In light of family history with prostate cancer, I was thankful for the opportunity to have a PSA blood test.
“Unfortunately, a lot of men don’t get checked until it’s too late when all it takes is a simple blood test. Talk to your doctor about being tested. It might just save your life.”
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian men with 20,000 diagnoses and close to 3300 deaths each year.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia told the event that it was aiming to encourage men over 50 to talk to their doctor about being tested at their next health check-up.
The foundation recommends men at 40 to get a check, if they have a family history of the disease.