By Cam Lucadou-Wells
Casey’s only SES unit is in desperate need of more willing to put on the orange uniform.
During wild 100km/h storms on 14 February, there were just five volunteers from Narre Warren SES free during the day to answer 50 calls for help across the municipality.
Unit controller Clinton Brown said by evening, 10 members were available. But it still took until 11pm to clear the long call-out list for property damage and fallen trees.
It was a “pretty crazy” day for the dedicated crew, underlining the need for more members.
With a second SES unit for Casey still years away, the unit is seeking to double its 20-volunteer membership.
The unit serves most of the City of Casey area – 250,000-plus residents over an enormous 400 square-kilometre area.
It attends about 700 requests for help each year.
Mr Brown became an SES volunteer nine years ago. It was one of the best decisions he made, he said.
“I have learned so much, met some amazing people.
“Being able to support and help the community in their time of need is such a good feeling.”
Mr Brown said volunteers received comprehensive training. No past experience or skills were required, just commitment and dedication, he said.
The only requirements were attending weekly Wednesday night training, being 18 and over, being fit and healthy and having a drivers’ licence and their own transport.
Another key part of the job was going to community events, spreading word on how residents should prepare for storm emergencies.
With so many new arrivals in Casey, Mr Brown said many still didn’t know about the SES.
“It’s up to us to educate people at community events – but you can’t do that without more members and volunteers.”
Casey mayor Geoff Ablett encouraged anyone capable of volunteering to help strengthen the unit.
“Our local SES is always looking for more volunteers to ensure they are well enough equipped to face any emergencies or crisis which may occur in the City of Casey.
“Having a strong volunteer base is key for the longevity of these vital services.”
Cr Ablett said he looked forward to the State Government creating a second SES unit in Casey as soon as possible to help ease the burden on the Narre Warren branch.
The unit is holding an information at its headquarters at Vesper Drive, Narre Warren on Thursday, 8 March.
Details: narrewarren@ses.vic.gov.au