Q and A with Samar Mougharbel

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 With Samar Mougharbel, manager of Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House

What is something people don’t know about you? Everyone assumes that I’m 15 years younger than I am however I’m celebrating a big birthday in 2019 and I’m a proud grandmother.

What was your most memorable moment? The birth of my first child.

What’s the best thing about being involved in the community/school? Meeting people from diverse cultural background.

What is your favourite movie? The Way We Were.

If you were PM for a day, what would you do? Implement programs to increase integration and cohesion in local communities and create opportunities for collaboration.

At school I…… Was at the top of my class.

Favorited holiday spot in Australia? Noosa.

Which six dinner guests dead or alive, would you invite to dinner? Nelson Mandela, Audrey Hepburn, George Clooney and Amal Almuddin, my mum and dad.

What’s your favourite book? Gone With the Wind.

Best concert you have been to? ABBA.