The successful English for Parents program started at Hillsmeade Early Learning Centre in partnership with Narre Community Learning Centre to meet the needs of parents of non-English speaking backgrounds.
30 percent of the families who access the Early Learning Centre’s services are from Afghanistan and speak Dari as their main language.
The program provides a great opportunity for mothers to meet together to learn English, and as a result, feel more confident interacting with others. Eventually, as their English improves, these parents will be able to participate more fully in the life of the Early Learning Centre and consider study or entry level
employment options.
During the weekly session, a Dari speaking child care support worker is able to look after the children while their parents are studying.
The teacher herself, Kai Ni Gu, speaks Mandarin as an additional language.
The parents are very keen to continue their studies this year and next year. They are looking forward to being able to learn some computer skills, which will be included in the program.
For further information about the program, please contact Clea Nicol at Narre Community Learning Centre on 9070 3831 or 9704 7388.