Community backs Kelly

Kelly Symons with her family.

By Jessica Anstice

Pakenham mother of three Kelly Symons was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer on March 21 this year.

Kelly has undergone chemotherapy, bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and now faces Radiation.

“Kelly owned her own business and had to close her business straight away to focus on her recovery and to cope through sickness on an emotional and physical level,” Kelly’s friend Leanne Russell said.

“Having had two wages coming in to drop to one wage straight away has been a financial struggle for the family.”

Ms Russell has organised a fundraising event called ‘Cure 4 Kel’ for Kelly and her family. The event is also the create awareness for the disease.

There will be market and food stalls, raffles and much more.

The fundraiser will be held at Oakgrove Community Centre, 89-101 Oakgrove Drive in Narre Warren South from 11am to 3pm on Saturday, 3 November.

For all enquiries please contact Leanne Russell on 0447 005 878.