Uni bans plastic water bottles

Federation University Berwick campus director Greg Jakob with students Kristina Hales and Mahima Ranjan refilling their reusable bottles at the water station. 190831_07.

Federation University Australia will ban the sale of single use plastic water bottles on all of its university and TAFE campuses across Victoria, including the Berwick campus.

Under the ban, bottled water will no longer be sold in vending machines, food outlets or shops.

Instead, students and staff can either bring their own reusable bottle or buy a high-quality reusable glass or metal water bottle that they can fill up for free at drinking water stations.

“It’s up to universities to practice what we preach around sustainability – on one hand we have researchers doing world leading environmental research but on the other, we’re selling plastic water bottles that pollute our waterways,” director of campus life Colin Marshall said.

“We have some of the best tap water in the world so there’s simply no need to buy bottled water and as a university, we need to be part of the war on waste and help change people’s behaviour.”

This will help stop around 18,000 plastic water bottles from ending up in landfill, waterways or the environment every year.