Doris ready for the road

Members of the Men''s Shed with the 1959 Morris Minor 1000. 204234_07

By Danielle Kutchel

The Akoonah Park Men’s Shed has raised much-needed funds for charity after raffling off the results of years of hard work.

Members of the Shed have been busy restoring a 1959 four door Morris Minor 1000 sedan, affectionately known as Doris.

It took three years to restore the car to close to original condition.

The body, brakes, steering, suspension, electrical system, engine and gearbox were fully stripped and rebuilt by members of the Shed, with parts sourced locally from other Morris Minor enthusiasts and parts suppliers and from the UK suppliers where necessary.

Two donor cars were given to the Shed and a few parts were also used from those cars.

While the project took slightly longer than anticipated, members of the Shed felt it was worth it in the end.

Doris was raffled off in early February, with only a limited number of 100 tickets available for the public to purchase.

Funds raised have been directed to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, with some reserved for a future restoration project.

Doris now has a new home up north with New South Welshman Peter Murace, who bought the lucky number 19 ticket.

Mr Murace spotted an article on Doris on the All British Car Club website and ordered a ticket.

Members of the Men’s Shed even arranged to drive Doris up for him.

Mr Murace is a bit of a fan of Morris enthusiast, having owned a 1936 Morris 8/40 and a Morris Major Elite.

He plans to register Doris on historic registration so he can drive it with his car club, 510 Historic Vehicles Incorporated.

“It’s exactly how I expected it from the photos and description,” he said.

He plans to get a sign made for the boot lid to honour the Men’s Shed.

“I’ve never won a thing in my life!” he said.

“I’m so excited about winning it and hopefully we can drive her out and have a good time.”