Men find a home

Ex-Casey councillor Rosalie Crestani being presented a petition by Endeavour Hills Men’s Shed president Trevor Ratcliffey in 2018. 185890_03. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Brendan Rees

The Endeavour Hills Men’s Shed is one step closer to securing their new home at Sydney Pargeter Reserve.

After nearly three years of lobbying, the 40-strong group finally got their wish after then Casey Councillors voted at their 18 February meeting to award a building contract for works to start at the Endeavour Hills site.

The members have been using a shared space Essex Park Community Place – which has been manageable for meetings but lacks the space to carry out their manual work.

After receiving two submissions in December, council decided to award the tender contract to More Building Group Pty Ltd.

However this is subject to approval by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to build the Men’s Shed as the reserve is on crown land.

The project, which is expected to be completed by August, will include mechanical services, amenities, a kitchenette and accessible car parking.

More Building Group has previously undertaken work with council, which council says “have strong experience in delivering similar type and scaled projects”.

Endeavour Hills Men’s Shed president Trevor Ratcliffe said the group was relieved they had struck a deal with council.

“We’re certainly thankful to the councillors for their support in delivering this project,” Mr Ratcliffe said.

The announcement comes after the Men’s Shed negotiated with council for a new home including submitting a petition in 2018, which garnered 1265 signatures.

During this time the group has been dedicated in helping the community and undertaking voluntary projects for Endeavour Hills library and Parks Victoria.

They have even used members’ sheds and garages – to build toys, shelves, planter boxes and playground equipment for charities, schools and kindergartens and the Andrew’s Centre in Endeavour Hills.

Mr Ratcliffe said the work space at Essex Park Community Place had proven challenging and the group were thrilled with the news.

“We have to pull out machinery out of storage, use it, clean up and put it back ready for the next group,” he said.

“We haven’t been able to fully develop our program of health and wellbeing and also providing community service in the way that we would want to.

“It’s not just a matter of meeting for a chat … we’ve also got a range of social activities, excursions, and community field work”.

At the council meeting, ex- Casey councillor Rosalie Crestani thanked the men for their tireless work in the community and looked forward the construction of the new shed.

“This is our way to say thank you as well to ensure that a men’s shed is established and they have somewhere further to serve and to go and network,” she said.