RSL call for volunteers

Berwick RSL members from left, vice-president Chris Chisholm, team leader of welfare Ray Heathcote, secretary Chris McKenna, appeals officer Sue Clark and president Wayne A''Vard. resident) 205345_01. Picture: STEWART CHMABERS

By Brendan Rees

The Berwick RSL sub-branch is on the look-out for volunteers for this year’s Anzac Appeal.

Berwick sub-branch president, Wayne A’Vard, is calling on the local community to support this year’s Appeal by buying a badge – with 100 per cent of funds going towards supporting veterans.

“Our focus at Berwick is upon providing a supportive and nurturing environment for current and former service personnel and their families,” Mr A’Vard said.

The sub-branch’s welfare program offers social, financial, emotional or practical support.

This includes covering costs of accommodation, school fees, utility bills and medical/dental expenses for veterans and their families; visits to veterans in aged care facilities who find it difficult to attend a sub-branch; and social gatherings including bus trips, carpet bowls, darts, dinners and special events.

Other forms of support consist of gardening, general cleaning and rubbish removal for those who cannot manage these tasks.

The funds raised through the Anzac Appeal will allow the RSL to deliver much-needed assistance to those men and women who have served our country, Mr A’Vard said.

“In order to continue to offer this support, we raise funds through our Anzac and Remembrance Day Appeals. Both Appeals run for the two weeks leading up to each of these significant days.

“The sub-branch at Berwick is strongly supported by our members in the selling of tokens during these periods. However, we cannot provide personnel to all the available selling locations,” he said.The RSL is calling on anyone who can spare a few hours or a day or more to sell badges.

To volunteer contact the Berwick RSL via email or call the secretary Chris Mckenna on 0455556437.

Visitors are also welcome to drop in to the sub-branch at 17 Langmore Lane, Berwick Monday to Saturday 4.30pm to 7pm.