A time to pause and reflect

Berwick RSL members from left, vice-president Chris Chisholm, team leader of welfare Ray Heathcote, secretary Chris McKenna, appeals officer Sue Clark and president Wayne A''Vard. This photo was taken earlier this year prior to social distancing measures being enforced. 205345_01. Picture: STEWART CHMABERS

By Brendan Rees

The coronavirus outbreak may have cancelled this year’s Anzac Day services, however, the Berwick RSL Sub-branch says it will remain an important day of remembrance.

The Berwick RSL sub-branch president, Wayne A’vard will recite the Requiem and the Ode at an appropriate place and time to recognise the national occasion.

The sub-branch is encouraging residents in self-isolation to take a moment to pause and reflect on the significance of the day at 6am and/or 11am.

The following words of the short Anzac Requiem may be used during peoples time of reflection:

‘On the morning of April 25th, 1915, Australian and New Zealand troops landed under fire on Gallipoli.

It was then, and in the battles which followed, that the ANZAC tradition was formed.

On this day we remember all those who served our nation in times of war.

We honour those who served; those who died or were disabled in the tragedy of war – in all conflicts and in peacekeeping.

We remember those who suffered as prisoners of war, and those who died in captivity.

Our Servicemen and women have left us a splendid heritage. May we and our successors prove worthy of their sacrifice. Lest We Forget’.

Anzac badges can be purchased from a number of the regular retailers including Harry’s Menswear in Berwick.

Alternatively, badges can be purchased online at https://berwickrsl.org.au/shop/