It’s worth the effort to respond to budget


By Andrew Cantwell

Casey City has laid out its draft budget for the coming year and is seeking public feedback until Wednesday 3 June.

For residents, it’s an opportunity to give feedback on spending priorities and the general direction of the council, and for community groups it’s a golden opportunity to have pet projects noticed.

But the process of making a submission on the budget comes with a warning – don’t expect your submission to have an impact on this year’s budget.

A brief review of Casey’s budget meetings over the past few years shows no changes made to the final budgets after considering public submissions.

But here’s why it’s worth making a submission.

Your project will be noticed.

As an example, the Berwick Little Athletics Club, the second largest in Victoria after Geelong’s, last year made a submission at budget time for upgrades at Edwin Flack Reserve.

The request was one of several put forward by public groups at a special budget meeting in June of last year.

The Little Aths group request didn’t make it into last year’s final budget.

But this year’s draft budget includes a tidy sum of $100,000 for upgrades at the Edwin Flack Reserve.

Most of the other requests were noted and have probably already been planned into future works. Significantly, some had already been included.

The city’s budget process is ongoing. Documents released with the draft budget show likely expenditure for the next 10 years.

But making a submission, groups and individuals can help ensure the council’s future spending priorities line up with community priorities and expectations.

The city’s draft budget each year is no doubt a month’s long effort to consider and balance needs in each Ward and across the municipality.

It’s probably unreasonable to expect it to be changed by a public wish-list at the last minute.

But for those willing to be patient and participate in the process it has its rewards.

Submissions can be made in three ways: through the Casey Conversations website; by mail addressed to the CEO at PO Box 1000, Narre Warren 3805; or by email to the CEO at

Submissions should include a statement that explains why a particular why a particular item, topic or proposal should be considered and how the draft budget may affect that.

Those wishing to speak in support of their submissions should indicate their willingness in their submissions.

The special meeting to consider public submissions will be held on Tuesday 9 June.