Free pizza a lockdown lifesaver

The team at Mama Boys Pizza is ready to help. 239924_01

By Danielle Kutchel

A Berwick pizza shop is once again reaching out to help feed the community in these troubled times.

Mama Boys Pizza on Bemersyde Drive in Berwick is giving free pizza to those in need, following a similar successful endeavour in 2020.

Business partners Ishrath, Fawaz and Faizal decided to support the community during the latest circuit breaker lockdown by providing free hot dinners where needed.

Ishrath said their first free pizza venture had touched their hearts.

He said other customers had also gotten involved, leaving their extra change to donate to the next pizza or simply by sharing the shop’s social media posts to promote the idea.

“So many people are affected with their work, they are struggling, so we are happy to provide a meal for them,” he explained.

“Most people live paycheck to paycheck. And if the paycheck doesn’t go in the bank, the first thing that worries them is how to feed their family.”

Fawaz said there was a “simple reason” why the team had decided to help out again.

He recalled a day when a mother had been so overwhelmed by their kindness that she broke down and cried.

“That was enough,” he said.

“That was beautiful. It’s amazing how many people are affected [by the pandemic] and it’s amazing when you help people how much they appreciate it.”

Faizal said he and his fellow partners were all passionate about helping those who needed it.

“We’re happy to help out, we’ll keep doing this for however long,” he said.

“We hope other people in the business world will take our example on board and do little things for people in need.”

He said it was “priceless” to see the look on people’s faces when they realised their dinner would be free.

Requests for help are kept confidential to avoid any embarrassment, but all three encouraged anyone whose work had been impacted by the circuit breaker lockdown to reach out through the Facebook page to chat about what they need.

“We won’t be able to change the world for everyone but if we can help one person or two, then we are satisfied,” Ishrath said.

Find out more or contact the team at