Help for power bill stress

Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House can assist people to access the Power Saving Bonus. 146386_01

Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House is helping community members experiencing financial hardship to access the State Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus.

The Power Saving Bonus provides eligible Victorians with a one-off $250 payment, to assist households with the cost of living during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The pandemic has only exacerbated existing poverty within our communities, and many people have lost work or significant income as a direct result of Victoria’s lockdowns,” Neighbourhood Houses Victoria CEO Nicole Battle said.

“This bonus offers some financial relief for these community members, many of whom have to choose whether they can pay their next electricity bill or put food on the table.”

To help spread the word about the bonus, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has engaged Neighbourhood Houses Victoria in partnership Good Shepherd. 

“It makes sense to have Neighbourhood Houses spreading the word about this bonus,” Ms Battle said.

“Being such grassroots organisations, they are best positioned to reach people within their communities who already come to them for other support services such as food relief, job seeking support, digital literacy programs and Centrelink assistance.”

Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House manager Jo Davey said the centre was able to help community members complete their online applications for the bonus.

“We know there are members of our community who have never used a computer before or lack confidence and skills to do something like submit an application online,” she said. 

“We don’t want this to be a barrier to them accessing the $250 payment, so we are available to step them through the process, and make sure they aren’t left behind.”

To be eligible for the Power Saving Bonus, applicants must hold a pensioner concession card or receive JobSeeker, Austudy, Abstudy or Youth Allowance.

For assistance with accessing the Power Saving Bonus, visit Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House at 21A Bemersyde Drive Berwick or call them on 8743 0671.