‘LetsVaxx’, Telstra urges

Leading satirist Mark Humphries has partnered with Telstra to bust Covid conspiracies.

Telstra is calling on its millions of customers to unite in the battle against Covid-19, as the company gets behind Australia’s vaccination push.

Telstra CEO Andrew Penn has announced Telstra Plus Points for customers who are fully vaccinated, a change to the mobile network name – Telstra #LetsVaxx – and a social media campaign to bust myths around vaccines.

“This is a global emergency and to beat this we need to come together – just as we’ve done in the face of natural disasters and hardships gone by,” he said.

“I urge Australians to get vaccinated as soon as possible and we want to reward our customers for doing so,” said Mr Penn.

From late September, fully vaccinated members of the company’s Telstra Plus loyalty program will receive 2,500 Telstra Plus Points.

When claiming their points, members will go into a 100 million point major prize draw, with 20 winners to receive five million points each as well as up to $3500 credit to cover the cost of their eligible Telstra services for a year.

Regardless of vaccination status, all Telstra Plus members will receive a digital care package including a Telstra TV Box Office movie on the house, discounts on a food delivery service and access to discounts in the Telstra Plus Rewards store, to help combat the boredom of lockdowns.

Mr Penn said Telstra mobiles would also be used to visibly remind customers of the importance of getting vaccinated as soon as they are eligible.

“After the success of changing our network name to Telstra #StaySafe during the Covid-19 pandemic, our customers will now see on their compatible mobile devices Telstra #LetsVaxx.”

Telstra will also launch a social media campaign to bust conspiracy theories around COVID 19 vaccinations, again enlisting the help of leading satirist Mark Humphries.

“Mark’s sharp satire successfully busted conspiracy theories around 5G and now we’re calling on him to help cut through the noise and debunk Covid-19 vaccination myths,” Mr Penn said.

Telstra hopes this campaign and its customer incentives are received with as much enthusiasm as its recently announced employee initiative.

“Our thank you campaign follows the recent incentive for employees to get vaccinated with a reward the equivalent of $200 redeemed through our employee rewards program.

“We’ve had an amazing response, with more than 5500 employees taking up the offer in just a week.

“We know some of our customers may not choose to or be able to get vaccinated, but the results of our employee offer have shown there’s a groundswell of support and understanding that increasing the vaccination rate is our best way forward – and we feel it’s important to spread that message.”

From late September, Telstra Plus members will be able to upload the document number from their Covid-19 digital certificate number via the My Telstra app with the points to appear in their balance shortly after.

Telstra will communicate with its customers once all details are finalised and the program is open to receive vaccination updates.

Customers who aren’t yet members of the rewards program can access the bonus 2500 Telstra Plus Points and the prize draw by joining Telstra Plus before the end of January next year.

To join Telstra Plus you must be over 18 and have an eligible service on a Telstra business or consumer account.

To view the conspiracy-busting campaign with Mark Humphries, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UtoqD6Sayc