Changing perceptions in employment

The City of Casey is launching a program to address unemployment issues. Picture: 238145_03

The City of Casey is launching a new pilot program called Changing Perceptions in Employment to address growing concerns of skills shortages in specific industries.

The pilot is designed to combat unemployment issues and is funded through the Office for Suburban Development’s Metropolitan Partnerships Development Fund, provided to Casey on behalf of the Southern Region Councils.

Changing Perceptions is a place-based skills and jobs program that seeks to leverage existing programs and support available to job seekers.

By incorporating existing learnings as a springboard, the pilot will focus on the human element of the job seeker and employer interactions.

City of Casey chief executive officer Glenn Patterson said he was proud to see the launch of this program in Casey.

“The alignment of skills and employment opportunities in our region is a complex issue, but it’s one that Casey is committed to improving, in order to bring benefits to our businesses and our residents,” Mr Patterson said.

“Casey, like many local government areas in the South East, has industries crying out for workers and job seekers who are ready to apply their skills and step into work.

“The Changing Perceptions pilot will change the game by listening to both sides and leveraging the existing programs and past learnings in this space.

“Uniquely, it will approach the human element of employment and address pre-conceived perceptions that may be causing barriers to successful employment.”

Deputy Chair of the Southern Metropolitan Partnership Andrew Simmons said it was great to see Casey integrating this program into the community.

“As a region that is jobs rich, yet seeing higher than average rates of unemployment, the Southern Metropolitan Partnership has funded a project that hopes to identify new and different ways of connecting job seekers to employment opportunities,” Mr Simmons said.

The Changing Perceptions program will host its first employment event targeting the hospitality sector with an industry event on Wednesday 17 November.

Jobseekers looking to get into the hospitality sector can email

For further information on the Changing Perceptions Program phone council on 9705 5200.

For local business support, visit the Backing Business in Casey website.