St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar ATAR results impress

Dux Natalie Eu with principal Annette Rome. Photo: SUPPLIED

After a second year of disturbed study and preparation for VCE, the students of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar have achieved another year of successful VCE results.

In partnership and with the support of their dedicated teachers, they rose to challenges of the new normal, displaying the school’s values of Courage, Curiosity, Character and Respect.

Senior girls dux Natalie Eu achieved an ATAR of 99.9 and senior boys dux Ryan Xie achieved an ATAR of 97.2.

The senior girls continued their tradition of consistent strong results, with 13 per cent receiving an ATAR more than 99 and 60 per cent achieving and ATAR of more than 80, placing them placing them in the top one per cent and 20 per cent of the nation respectively.

The senior boys continued to build their academic success with 32 per cent achieving an ATAR of more than 80 and 62 per cent achieving an ATAR above 70, placing them in the top 20 per cent and 30 per cent of the nation respectively.

As a cohort, 27 per cent of the class of 2021 achieved an ATAR greater than 90 and 50 per cent achieved an ATAR greater than 80.

Four perfect scores of 50 were attained in English, Further Maths, Legal Studies and Physics.

St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar principal Annette Rome said as an open entry, non-select school, St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar was particularly proud that 70 per cent of the 2021 graduating class were in the top 30 per cent of the state.

“This is a true testament not only to the character of these wonderful students but also of the professional practice and dedication of our teaching staff. Both our students and staff have lived up to our motto ‘Virtute et Labore’ (Success through work),” Ms Rome said.

“We are proud of all our students and look forward to following the trajectories they take in life, with the same care and concern we felt for them at school.”