Last minute gifts that mean more

The Red Cross Real Good Gifts campaign provides meaningful services to those who need it most. 263308_01

With two days left until Christmas, people may soon discover an uncle they did not know they had will be joining them for lunch or that they’re invited to a picnic and need a secret Santa gift.

The Australian Red Cross has the answer in the form of a Real Good Gift – gifts that won’t sit on a shelf or at the bottom of a drawer gathering dust.

The campaign understands that relatives might not be looking forward to receiving another novelty mug or pair of Christmas themed socks, and have created a more meaningful way to gift this holiday season.

Each gift will provide funding for Australian Red Cross programs across Australia and the Asia Pacific.

In return, customers get a gift e-card for their secret Santa recipient and the knowledge that they have done something to help.

Some options for life changing gifts on the Red Cross website include:

• ‘Not Another Pair of Socks’ helps new migrants families find their feet

• ‘Not Another Novelty Mug’ provides a cuppa and good company to an elderly person who lives alone

• “Not Another Bottle of Wine’ gives a hot meal to someone who might be sleeping rough

• ‘Not Another Book’ helps provide crisis accommodation for a family escaping danger

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