By Marcus Uhe
The generosity of Casey Cardinia residents was on full display over Christmas with more than $17,000 worth of gifts and non-perishable food items donated to the Casey Cardinia Libraries (CCL) ‘Deliver Joy’ campaign, nearly doubling the amount raised in 2020.
‘Deliver Joy’ has provided a call to action for people wanting to pay it forward and help those doing it tough over the festive period.
Dot O’Neiil is a food support coordinator at Transit, whose brilliant team of 70 volunteers helped to distribute donations of food and gifts in the Narre Warren area.
She said her organisation were blown-away by the extent of the community’s kindness, so-much-so that they struggled for storage space at the Narre Warren Christian Church on Webb Street.
“We didn’t expect this much but we were delighted with it,” Ms O’Neill said.
“We found we had to find space in the church but we found some really delightful people who were able to give presents out for Christmas.
“We had a lot of children’s gifts, like games, and things for teenagers and older people as well. And the food was really really important.
“One person in particular said ‘without you, we would not have had a Christmas’. It makes the whole thing worth it.”
In years past, library members were able to get their library fines waived in return for donated gifts and food, however, in 2018 CCL permanently removed overdue fines, which changed the focus of the 2021 campaign.
CCL chief executive Beth Luppino said it was inspiring to witness the generosity of library members, even when the waiving of overdue fines was no longer an incentive.
“The removal of overdue fines at CCL has proved a great success.“ Ms Luppino said.
“There has been a relatively small increase in overdue items, more items are being borrowed and
there has been a marked reduction in ‘lost items’.
“CCL partnered with seven local charities during the six-week campaign, including Transit Outreach Service, The Andrews Centre, Cranbourne and Casey North Centre for Information and Support Service (CISS), Hampton Park Primary School, Emerald Lions Club and the Salvation Army (Pakenham), to ensure the donations were distributed to those who needed them most.
“Public libraries can contribute to stronger and more resilient communities in so many different ways. Libraries really do change lives.”
Outside of the festive period, Transit provides meals and food to those doing it tough from the Narre Warren Christian Church.
You can donate to Transit by contacting them online at transitoutreach.org.au