By Shelby Brooks
Students, parents and teachers alike were thrilled to return to the classroom from Monday 31 January for a new school year.
Hardly a tear was shed as prep students at Pakenham Hills Primary School began their educational journey, principal Dale Hendricks said.
“It’s nice to have them back, remote learning was difficult, so this is lovely,“ he said.
“The kids are happy to be back. What has come out of remote learning is that kids have become more independent, it’s the new norm.“
As part of a plan announced on January 23 to keep education settings open, the Victorian Government delivered more than 14 million rapid antigen tests to schools and early childhood education and care services.
Rapid antigen testing will be in place for at least the first four weeks of Term 1.
Testing twice-weekly at home will be recommended for all primary and secondary school students and staff, and early childhood education and care staff.
Mask wearing will continue, with students in Grade 3 and above required to wear masks indoors.
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