Three…ways to show you care post-Valentine’s Day

1. Cook dinner for your partner.

Surprise them by taking over in the kitchen and whipping up their favourite meal, they’ll appreciate the effort you made and you won’t have to do the dishes!

You could also spend some quality time cooking something from scratch together, such as home made pasta or even an apple pie.

Extra points if you set the table.

2. Buy them flowers, not just on Valentine’s Day.

Most people love to receive flowers, especially if it is a surprise.

You don’t have to break the bank by buying a giant bouquet, pick up a small bunch of flowers that are their favourite colour from your local supermarket.

3. Send them a message to show you care.

Whether it’s a note in their lunch box or a good morning text, it will make their day a bit brighter and let them know you are thinking of them.