Register for Writers Comp

Submit an entry into the young writers' competition. Picture: SUPPLIED.

The City of Casey is inviting students from year five to twelve to submit a piece of writing for the young writers’ competition.

There are three categories: creative writing with pieces open to any topic and to be no longer than 750 words, poetry/lyrics with a maximum of one page on any theme and a competition for students who take English as an additional language with an open topic or theme and maximum count of 750 words.

Entry to the competition is free. Students may submit one entry per category and a maximum of two categories.

Work will be judged according to year level. The junior level encompasses grades fox and sex, the intermediate level is open for those in year seven to year nine and the senior level is for those in years ten to twelve.

Entries close at 5pm on Friday 29 April and winners will be notified via email or phone by Wednesday 8 June.

To enter click the following link: