By Eleanor Wilson
This Saturday saw Bunjil Place flex its sustainability muscle as it hosted the Casey Green Living Festival.
The festival welcomed Casey locals to learn how to live more sustainably through a range of stalls, workshops and expert presentations.
Attendees could “kick start their green living journey” by test driving an electric Hyundai car, attending demonstrations about energy efficiency, biodiversity and recycling, and visiting stalls filled with eco-friendly products.
Kids activities also took advantage of the theme through recycling inspired face painting, and Simply Vegan Cuisine dished up delicious plant based meals from the Dolly bus.
Casey Council manager of Sustainability and Waste Michael Jansen said the festival allowed council to “showcase arrange of local sustainable products and services to assist residents in reducing their environmental footprint.”
“The City of Casey is committed to reducing our community’s environmental footprint to ensure a sustainable future for our residents, and in addition to adopting the Environment Strategy 2021-25, we are currently in the process of developing Casey’s first Climate Action Plan in consultation with the community,” he said.
Festival goers could also use the expo to have their say about the Climate Action Plan, which details the steps council will take to reach its goal of net zero corporate emissions by 2030 and net zero emissions before 2037 for the community.
“Council is also committed to reducing our organisational environment footprint through ensuring sustainable purchases, sourcing renewable energy, transitioning to electric vehicles, protecting biodiversity through re-vegetation projects and investing in water efficiency initiatives,” Mr Jansen said.