Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
At school, my locker is usually filled with snacks rather than books.
What are you most passionate about?
I have a big passion for art, fashion, and food – can’t live without these!
Who is one person you would love to interview one day?
I would like to interview Elon Musk because I think it would be really cool to talk to him and get an insight of what goes through his mind, especially when he created Tesla.
What would your last meal be?
Macaroni and cheese with a side of mashed potatoes and peach iced tea (and with cookies and cream ice cream – can’t go without dessert).
What was your most memorable moment?
My favourite week of year 9 – city experience. This was an excursion on behalf of school, where we went and explored Melbourne CBD. It just made me so happy to be with all my friends, go sightseeing, and eat lots of delicious food. It was a great week filled with lots of exciting memories.
What was your favourite subject in school?
I love Studio Arts and Psychology. I have always been passionate about art which helps me with escaping reality for a while and psychology to earn a deep understanding of the mind and how our body works – it’s interesting.
What event past or present would you like to witness?
I would love to have seen Leonardo da Vinci paint Mona Lisa and also witness the cause of her mysterious smile.
Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?
I would invite Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Cristiano Ronaldo, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Johnny Depp.
What are you currently listening to/watching or reading?
I’m currently listening to The Michelle Obama Podcast on Spotify.
How would you describe your fashion sense?
I love wearing classy and comfortable clothes. If I’m at home, I’ll be in hoodies and sweatpants. If I’m outside, I’ll be wearing wide leg pants and an oversized crewneck, blazer, or a button-up shirt. I always have jewellery on me.
What were you like as a kid?
I’ve always been very shy and quiet but once you get to know me, I love to have fun and joke around. I used to be very fast in learning new games and perfecting them immediately. When I was a baby, I apparently would not cry as much as other babies.
What is your favourite colour and why?
I love neutral colours like beige as it feels very minimalist and calm. It’s also my favourite colour when it comes to styling clothes and bringing together different pieces of an outfit.
Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert?
I would consider myself to be an introvert, however I do love hanging out with people and socialising – I just need some little time alone every day to focus on myself.
What’s one question you have never been able to get the answer to?
We are born so innocent, but how do we lose our humanity? Why does society have such high standards, even when knowing well that it leads to so much stress and anxiety?