By Marcus Uhe
Holt’s election candidates have had their say on The City of Casey’s advocacy for critical road and rail projects in the South East.
Casey Council have identified the Clyde Rail Link, the Thompsons Road upgrade and extension, and a Clyde Road Corridor upgrade as three priority projects that they will advocate for in the lead-up to both the Federal and State elections this year.
While none of the candidates were able to make a formal commitment to the projects, all said that they were in favour of the proposals.
Greens candidate Sujit Mathew said he supports all of Casey Council’s infrastructure proposals given Holt’s “rapidly” growing population and the significance to the community, but stopped-short on making a formal funding pledge, should he win his seat at next month’s election.
He said a number of factors will be considered before funding is allocated to key developments.
“I support all these projects, however rather than get trapped in a cycle of continually needing to upgrade roads, we need to do better at planning new estates including viable public transport options from day one,” Mr Mathew said.
“A project’s funding is based on equity and ecological sustainability as well as public ownership of critical public transportation infrastructure.
“I will allocate funding for any infrastructure projects that benefit Holt, but all community and infrastructure projects must be planned and built in the public interest through transparent, evidence-based, accountable, and participatory processes that include the communities affected by decisions.
“Everyone should have access to fast, frequent, reliable, affordable, accessible and safe public transport that easily connects the regions with metropolitan centres, no matter where they live.”
Liberal candidate Ranj Perera shares the frustrations of Holt residents but says the Federal Government is pulling its weight, pointing to allocated funding for projects including the $64.2 million car park upgrade at Berwick Railway Station and $683 million for the Monash Freeway upgrade.
“Congestion is a top of mind issue for many locals I just want to see people get home sooner and safer,” Mr Perera said.
“These projects are vitally important to me and indeed for Holt.”
“The Liberal Morrison government is investing record amounts into the South East, whether it be train station upgrades, the Monash Freeway or Beaconsfield interchange.
“Seriously enough is enough the people of Holt need these facilities and infrastructure projects to be commenced and completed.”
The car park at Berwick station – and similar commuter car parks as part of a $660 million federal fund – came under fire from the Auditor General in June 2021.
It concluded that the Department of Infrastructure’s administration of the commuter car park projects within the Urban Infrastructure Project was deemed “not effective”.
Labor Candidate Cassandra Fernando said better infrastructure is required in “booming” growth areas of Cranbourne and Clyde, with road safety and congestion of the “biggest issues” that raised by constituents.
“Better infrastructure for Holt is among my key priorities and I will work closely with the future Albanese Labor Government, and local and state representatives to deliver the best for our community.”
“Between car park rorts and failures to implement preventive measures in regions affected by floods and fires, we know that when it comes to infrastructure and planning, Scott Morrison cannot deliver.”
The United Australia Candidate was contacted for comment.