Mens Shed Car Show Shines

Bob and Billie in a 1968 Ford Fairlane. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 278701_03

By Eleanor Wilson

Doing their best to raise some funds after two years with minimal income, Akoonah Park Men’s Shed gathered the community’s finest vintage cars and treasured goods for a Car Show and garage sale on Saturday.

Car lovers were in their element with a selection of pristine Fords, a Harley bike and even a 1960s army truck.

Men’s Shed Committee member Nick Bolis, who brought along his 1961 white Cadillac, said it was a successful day for the Men’s Shed.

“We were lucky it didn’t rain!,” he said.

“We were able to raise a bit of money, it’s been quite hard for the couple over the last two years.”

Mr Bolis said the Men’s Shed accumulated an array of donations over the past few years, which they were able to sell in the garage sale.

“We got a lot of tools and collectibles from members who have moved on from the club,” he said.

“The items we didn’t sell is going to the local community, some of it to op shops, other Men’s Sheds.”

He said the Men’s Shed, which is celebrating its 10 year anniversary next month, hopes to hold more fundraisers in the future.