Get to know your Bruce candidates

Christine Skrobo - Liberal Democratic Party candidate for Bruce.

Who are the candidates on your ballot paper for the Federal election on 21 May.

Berwick Star News sent surveys to the aspiring MPs in the electorate of Bruce to find out what they stand for.

Below are the candidates who responded before deadline.


Christine Skrobo (Liberal Democrat Party)

Where do you live? Narre Warren South

Why did you choose to run for the seat of Bruce? Bruce is the electorate I was born in and have lived most of my life in. I went to school here, worked my first jobs here and care deeply for the people who live and work here. The people of Bruce deserve a representative who will listen to their concerns, defend their liberties and be a strong voice in parliament.

Why did you choose the Liberal Democrats? My values and principles align with those of the Liberal Democrats. I believe in protecting individual liberties, low taxes and having a small government.

What do you work as? Unemployed due to mandates

What’s your family status? I have a wonderful mother and father and a younger sister and brother

What do you believe are the three biggest issues facing Bruce? The rising cost of living, high taxes, excessive government inference into individual’s personal lives and businesses

The three most important policies to you are? Reducing red tape to ensure small businesses can thrive, repealing the blanket ban on nuclear energy to allow for a clean and reliable alternative, a free speech constitutional amendment to strengthen our democracy.

James Moody (Liberal)

Where do you live? I live in Berwick

Why did you choose to run for the seat of Bruce? I am running for Bruce because I am tired of the area I live and was born being left behind and to put our local area’s priorities first

Why Liberal? I am running for the Liberal Party because we are the Party that fights for hardworking people. We believe in individual freedoms and for a strong economy through jobs and low taxes.

What do you work as? I have worked in the automotive, education and legal sectors and prior to to becoming a political candidate worked for Assistant Customs and Multicultural Affairs Minister Jason Wood MP

What is your family status? I have a large multicultural family, most of which live locally!

What do you believe are the three biggest issues facing the electorate? Cost of living, jobs and the economy and local infrastructure

The three most important policies to you are? Our low taxes and tax cuts, our new free trade agreements and our record on home care packages for older Australians.

Matthew Kirwan (Greens)

Where do you live? In Noble Park

Why did you choose to run for the seat of Bruce? I have lived in the outer south-east of Melbourne all of my life. I served as a local government Councillor for 8 years for a significant part of Bruce and know the area, its people and its needs very well

Why did you choose the Greens? The gap between rich and poor is widening and our environment is deteriorating. The Greens are the only party which has a plan for the big issues that affect us today, which if left unaddressed will only get worse in the future.

What do you work as? Project Manager.

What’s your family status? I’m married to my wife Jenny and twin girls, Eloise and Sylvia

What do you believe are the three biggest issues facing Bruce? Climate change. Access to quality, affordable public education. Housing affordability

The three most important policies to you are…? Strengthening Medicare to cover dental and mental health care. Increasing funding on aged care to provide high quality, safe and timely care to meet the needs of all older Australians. Accelerating the uptake of renewable energy and creating a clean energy economy, both creating sustainable jobs and at the same time tackling the climate crisis

Matt Babet (United Australia Party)

Where do you live? I live in the electorate of Bruce.

Why run in Bruce? I chose to run in the electorate of Bruce because I have always lived in this electorate, and so do most of my family and friends, my first kindergarten, primary school, high school and my first job were all in this very electorate.

Why the UAP? I chose to run with the UAP because the two party system is no longer serving Australia, labor and liberal can bicker all day like cats and dogs, but ultimately they have the same policies and are just two wings on the same bird, this was further confirmed when labor came out and said they will be giving their preferences to the liberal party, making it abundantly clear that they are a coalition. Australia has accrued a massive $1.3 trillion dollar debt under liberal and labor this needs to be stopped immediately.

What do you work as? I own and operate my own business as a property executive

What’s your family status? I and my partner are soon to start a family and the three main things we are worried about in Bruce and the whole country from freedoms right through to inflation and the crippling debt, Liberals Josh Frydenberg the federal treasurer projected repayment of Australian debt will take “180 years to get this nation back to where it was. My brother Ralph Babet is also running as a senate candidate for Victoria.

My three top issues: The United Australia Party will introduce a 15% export license on the export of all Australian iron ore. Australia supplies over 80% of the world iron ore, this license will enable us to pay off the national debt within 20 years apposed to 180 years as proposed the liberal party, this will also stimulate manufacturing in Australia!

Three most important policies: The United Australia Party will introduce a maximum interest rate for all home loans of 3% per annum for the next five years to save Australian homeownership. If interest rates go up to 4% a massive 60% of Australians will default on their mortgage. Australia has trillions of dollars of Australian super being invested overseas, we will bring $1 Trillion Dollars of Australian super home be to invested in Australia!

Julian Hill (Australian Labor Party)

Where do you live? Dandenong.

Why did you choose to run for the seat of Bruce? I love our community and we need a Labor Government that cares for a better future.

Why did you choose Labor? I was raised by a single mum whose family could not afford the uniforms for her to finish Year 12, so she could never fulfil her dream of going to University. Labor believes every child deserves a decent education to fulfil their life potential. Only Labor Governments do the big things for Australia – caring for people by creating Medicare, the PBS, NDIS, age pensions and superannuation, while growing national wealth and a fairer society.

What do you work as? Federal Member of Parliament for Bruce (since 2016).

What’s your family status? My partner is a lawyer and my adult daughter is now working.

What do you believe are the three biggest issues facing Bruce? 1. Failing government services –broken visa processing system, Centrelink delays, cuts to NDIS plans, aged care crisis. 2. Skyrocketing cost of living – falling wages and looming interest rate rises, affordable housing, the lack of good secure jobs. 3. Liberal attacks on Medicare and the health system.

The three most important policies to you are…? 1. Labor’s practical plans to cut the cost of living – more affordable childcare, cheaper power and better-paid, secure jobs. 2. Making more things in Australia – rebuilding local manufacturing boosting renewable energy and skills, 465,000 fee-free TAFE places – huge benefits for good, local jobs. 3. Fixing aged care and strengthening Medicare – putting the care and dignity back into aged care, and making it easier to see a Doctor.