Hampton Park Primary School celebrates mums

Faye Rossborough (centre) with kids Jordan (left) and Annabelle. 279101_02

By Eleanor Wilson

Hampton Park Primary School took a different approach to your classic Mother’s Day gift stall on Friday 6 May, instead inviting ‘Mothers and special others’ to the school for a Mother’s Day Picnic.

As the lunch bell rang, an assembly of parents gathered around the school gates hauling picnic rugs and baskets, cushions and delicious hot meals to enjoy some quality time with their children.

While some excitable students ran up to bury their faces into their mums for a warm hug, others were more excited by the plethora of yummy lunch snacks – from donuts and pizzas to sushi and homemade delicacies.

School teacher and picnic organiser Shilpa Sanghani said the Mother’s Day picnic is a long standing tradition for the school.

“This is something that we always do, even last year with Covid we had a virtual mother’s day event,” Mrs Sanghani said.

“We always call it mothers and special others, so uncles, aunties, grandmas all are welcome.

“It still amazes me that even the older kids get excited when their families come in.”

Mum Faye Rossborough had a particulartly impressive set up on the school basketball court – with a picnic rug, cushions and a basket full of food to share with her two kids Jordan and Annabelle.

“We’ve done it every year it has run since we’ve been at the school, so about four years now,” she said.

“I think it’s great. I think it’s important that they have events like this and that we get to come.”

Some families chose to spend the day in tight knit groups, while others joined picnic rugs to bond with other local families.

“We did it last year too and its great, and its good for the mums to get to have a catch up and a chat,” said mum Tabatha Tuculia.

“We even stopped at the office to give the office ladies some food.”

1 / 2 student Pheobe was joined by mum Chereene Walker, and her two nans Annice Glucz and Jeannie Wright.

“We love [the school picnic],” said Mrs Walker.

“Pheobe wants Mother’s Day every Tuesday and Thursday apparently.”

“She’s the best mum,” said Pheobe.