By Eleanor Wilson
Passionate families from the Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA) rallied on with their Climate Family Picnic on Saturday 7 May, despite facing abysmal weather conditions.
Picnic organiser Christine Micah said around 25 AP4CA members and locals flowed through the picnic at Berwick’s Pioneers Park, chatting about what legislators and constituents can be doing to slow the devastating effects of climate change.
“We had young and old come through, mums and dads with young children, some grandparents came through too,” Ms Micah said.
“We handed out plenty of signs which was really good.”
Greens candidate for the seat of Bruce, Michael Schilling also braved the cold, rainy weather to attend the picnic.
“He is well and truly on board with what we are trying to achieve which is great,” Ms Micah said.
She said Bruce MP Julian Hill has also been in conversation with the group with regard to his support of their advocacy.
Ms Micah said AP4CA hopes to hold another picnic later in the year, when the weather is warmer.
She said they are also looking at other ways they can expand their advocacy to reach more community members.