Kutcha Edwards Circling Time – Songs and Stories
Join iconic Indigenous songwriter and storyteller Kutcha Edwards at Bunjil Place for his tour Circling Time – Songs and Stories.
Kutcha’s show draws its essence from the songs on his latest album Circling Time, weaved with personal stories of the resilience of a big-hearted Mutti Mutti man.
Tuesday 31 May 7.30pm at Bunjil Place, Narre Warren.
For tickets, head to kutcha-edwards.com/shows
Balla Balla Biggest Morning Tea
Get together and enjoy some tasty treats, share some laughter, play games and raise funds for those impacted by cancer.
Bookings are essential and tickets are $10. Call 5990 0900 to book and pay for your ticket(s).
Tuesday 24 May, 10am to noon at Balla Balla Community Centre. Building 03/65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne East.
Guided Walk of Lysterfield Park
Join a relaxing Parks Victoria volunteer-led walk through beautiful Lysterfield Park. Enjoy the peaceful natural surroundings, chat to fellow group members and spot some of the wildlife that call this park home.
Please meet at the Lysterfield Park – Visitor Information notice board, located below the Visitors Centre carpark.
Bookings are essential. Head to eventbrite.com.au/e/lysterfield-park-walk-tickets-140702233167
Every Friday until 27 May, 11am to noon.
Timbarra Over 50s Social Club
Are you 50 or over, young at heart and would like to meet new friends while enjoying various weekly activities?
Then come along to the Timbarra Community Hall, Berwick. Morning and afternoon tea’s supplied.
Activities include: Monday & Tuesday – 1-3.30pm – Carpet bowls(no experience necessary)
Wednesday – 10am-12.30pm – Scrabble, cards(500), table tennis and carpet bowls.
Thursday – 7-9.30pm – New Vogue/Old Time Dancing (Tuition included)
Join in group lunches and day trips held throughout the year.
Call David on 0433 566 456 for more information.
Tooradin Lions Community Market
Fresh produce, craft, bric a brac, plants and flowers, unique gifts, sausage sizzle, hot and cold drinks
Run by The Lions Club of Balla Balla – Ordinary people doing extraordinary things – All profits go towards supporting people with a disability, community greening, fundraising for worthwhile causes.
Sunday 15 May 8am to 2pm at Memorial Island – Sawtell’s Inlet, South Gippsland Highway Tooradin
Community Open Day at Cranbourne Community House
Come and enjoy a free sausage sizzle!
Free tea and coffee free entertainment and activities, free petting zoo, free face paint.
There will be performances by Elsa and Repunzel.
Saturday 14 May at 49 Valepark Crescent Cranbourne 10am to 1pm
Backpacks 4 VIC Kids Pop-Up Market
Cranbourne-based Charity Backpacks 4 VIC Kids are holding their first pop up market with a variety of stalls and goodies to purchase and the opportunity to support B4VK in the process.
Wednesday 18 May from 4pm at 26 Remount Way Cranbourne West.
Free Games Night at Selandra Community Hub
Come join us for a free night of enjoyable games and great company at our monthly tabletop game events.
With a large on-site games library and a fun, friendly environment it’s the perfect opportunity to discover some new games or play some of your favourites with new friends.
The games days are open to all types of gamers – new people wanting to learn, experienced players wanting to play, people curious to meet new friends in a fun environment… anyone!
Saturday 4 June 4pm to 11pm at Selandra Community Hub. 7-9 Selandra Boulevard Clyde North.
Endeavour Hills Deaf Hub Project Welcome Event
Join us for information sessions, sports clinics for kids, sports fun for adults, gym, coffee and a chat.
Sunday 22 May 10am to 4pm at 10 Raymond McMahon Boulevard, Endeavour Hills.
COOK4CALD Support Market
The Support Market is an initiative to raise awareness to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Youth community, of what support services are available to them.
In addition to stalls held by service providers, there will be a variety of small businesses that are run by Youth or CALD owners/creators.
The day will be filled with free food by COOK4CALD, activities, performances and plenty of fun!
Saturday 28 May 11am – 3pm at Selandra Community Hub. 7-9 Selandra Boulevard Clyde North.
Neighbourhood House Week
Berwick Neighbourhood centre is opening its doors on Thursday to bring the community together post lockdown. Head to the centre’s Timbarra house on Thursday morning for a morning tea to meet your neighbours, have a cuppa and see what the centres have to offer.
Thursday 12 May 11:30am to 12:30pm, Timbarra Way, Berwick
Hearing Check Australia
Get a free 15 minute hearing check at your local library from the Hearing Check Australia mobile hearing van.
Doveton Library: Friday 13 May 9:30am to 1pm
Cranbourne Library: Monday 16 May 9:30am to 1pm
Hampton Park Library: Friday 27 May 9:30am to 1pm
Endeavour Hills Library: Friday 24 June 9:30am to 1pm