Young people from culturally diverse backgrounds in the City of Casey have the chance to become actively involved in local government, with the Victorian Local Governance Association’s (VLGA) Stepping Forward program.
The program, which begins in July, will see more people involved in council affairs by educating 12 participants from both Casey and the City of Whittlesea on local issues and government decisions, and how to contribute to create change.
VLGA chief executive officer Kathryn Arndt said the association was excited to support young people in the City of Casey.
“Stepping Forward will help participants bridge the gap between informal community leadership and formal civic participation through local government election and engagement processes,” she said.
The program focuses on improving leadership within the community and aims to advance local government and the way the community interacts with it.
While learning about the fundamental concepts of government, participants will undertake a project for change within their local area, with support from the council.
They will have access to specialised subject matter experts and local government decision-makers throughout the program.
“As an organisation, the VLGA works to support effective local governance and decision-making, which includes participation in local democracy that is inclusive and represents the diversity of the community,” Ms Arndt said.
By supporting and educating young culturally diverse people within these councils, the VLGA aims to equip participants to rebuild community trust and create a foundation for the return to council elections in 2024.
When asked about the expected outcomes of this program, Kathryn said it would hopefully be initiated into other councils across Victoria if all goes well.
Stepping Forward was made possible by a generous grant from the Scanlon Foundation.
“The VLGA is grateful for the support of the Scanlon Foundation and Welcoming Cities Australia that has made this program possible,” Ms Arndt said.
Expressions of interest are now open for the VLGA’s new program, ‘Stepping Forward – Council Influence Incubator’, and will close on 8 July.