The State Government is continuing to provide free rapid antigen tests to eligible Victorians with a disability.
It announced the extension of the program on Sunday 24 July.
People with disability in Victoria could continue to access 20 free rapid antigen tests per visit from state-run testing sites and from Disability Liaison Officers, with the program extended until the end of September, the government said.
Data from the 2016 census showed the City of Casey had the highest number of residents living with a disability in Victoria, with 4.7 per cent of the population living with a profound or severe disability.
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Colin Brooks said the extension would ensure everyone with disability has access to rapid antigen tests to keep themselves, their loved ones and carers safe – helping some of the most vulnerable to continue to be protected and live safely this winter.
“Early detection of Covid-19 helps protect people from serious illness by ensuring earlier diagnosis and treatment – and this is especially so for the most vulnerable in our community who experience its effects more harshly,” Mr Brooks said.
“We are continuing to provide free rapid antigen tests for people who need them most, supporting Victorians with disability to stay safe during the coming winter months.”
Carers can also access the tests on behalf of eligible people with disability.
People with disability are at higher risk if they contract Covid-19 and the tests will help ensure earlier diagnosis, supporting vulnerable people to get appropriate treatment as early as possible.
Eligible people include NDIS participants, disability support pensioners and people with a disability who receive a Transport Accident Commission benefit.
People unable to attend a state-run testing site can contact a Disability Liaison Officer to help organise access to the RATS.
The free rapid antigen tests program was announced in April 2022 to initially run for three months but has been extended following a review.
To find out which testing sites have rapid antigen tests, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/get-pcr-test-covid-19
More information about Disability Liaison Officers is available on the ‘Vaccination for people with disability or special requirements’ page.
Further information about rapid antigen testing can also be obtained by calling the 24/7 Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.