By Jonty Ralphsmith
The National Servicemen Association had its annual toy drive at the Dandenong RSL on Saturday 9 July.
For the 19th consecutive year, the association has raised money for toys which are then distributed by the Salvation Army to underprivileged children across the state.
About 70,000-80,000 toys have been provided to the Salvation Army as part of the ‘Christmas in July’ fundraising efforts, with Salvos almost able to fill a five-tonne van at this year’s drive.
Bikes and trikes are among the items on offer for parents to pick out for their sons and daughters – there is something for children of all ages.
“There is all sorts of stuff, it is a massive variation of toys that we get and I would be very surprised if there wasn’t something there for everyone,” Mike Smith, president of National Servicemen’s Association said.
WBD & FF Group, Dandenong South is the manufacturer responsible for providing the toys, which Mr Smith thanked.
Dandenong RSL and Commonwealth Bank Fountain Gate also contributed funds.
Mr Smith said the association contributed to Salvos as Salvos assisted servicemen in writing letters and lending an ear for so long.
Most of the guys had never been away from home so their help was important,” Mr Smith said.
“It is our way of paying them back for what they did.”