Young girl, big business

Blind Bight entrepreneur Sophie Bowden with her Father's Day gift bags. 294888_02 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Marcus Uhe

Sophie Bowden is taking her passion for arts and crafts to the next level by establishing her own small business.

Inspired by a friend’s bracelet business, the Grade 4 student from Blind Bight is selling DIY drawing kits, specially themed for significant events on the calendar.

In the lead-up to Father’s Day, the 10-year-old’s packs come complete with a notepad, texta, two stickers and a plain coaster.

The idea is for fellow kids to make their own creative gifts for their dads.

“Most of what’s in the pack were her suggestions,” Sophie’s mother, Maria Bowden said.

“Originally we were going to buy little cards for people to write in but they’re not as easy to get hold of.

“These coasters are a perfect idea. A cup of tea, a beer – you can put anything on a coaster.”

Sophie has long held a passion for drawing, with Maria recalling her spending hours watching online tutorials and mimicking what the experts produce.

By turning her passion into an entrepreneurial venture, she’s learning the ins-and-outs of business, including profit and loss, costs, shipping and promotion.

“We thought that if we make them on special occasions, it gives the gift a hook,” Ms Bowden said.

“We’ll do Halloween packs for Halloween, with hooks for doors, glue and glitter to create a Halloween sign.”

News of the venture is attracting global attention – a friend of Maria’s from the UK purchased two packs last week to be posted to her grandchildren who live in Sydney.

Sophie, who hopes to become a vet, is saving for an electric scooter, with proceeds from her sale going towards a savings fund.

At $5 per pack and factoring costs, she’s got some savings to do, but she’s committed for the long haul.

To stay across her endeavours or to purchase a pack, find the Blind Bight Community Noticeboard on Facebook and search for Sophie’s DIY Designs.