Renewal works coming to library

Renewal works at the Endeavour Hills library will begin on Monday 19 September. 295825_01

The City of Casey has announced that renewal works to the Endeavour Hills Library renewal works are scheduled to kick off later this month.

At a cost of just under $114,000, the renewal works will modernise the service desk and self-check station to allow for an accessible entrance, new dedicated meeting room and re-purposed floor space.

City of Casey Chief Executive Glenn Patterson said the council was delighted that the Endeavour Hills Library renewal works are now scheduled and will begin so soon.

“Libraries offer inspiration, connection and opportunity to community members, no matter their interest or stage of life, and we’re so proud to be able to continue to invest in them for our current and future communities,” said Mr Patterson.

“Council is appreciative of the State Government’s $54,000 contribution through the Living Libraries Infrastructure Program Grant.”

City of Casey is contributing $59,536 to the project through its Capital Works Program.

Casey Cardinia Libraries Chief executive Beth Luppino said CCL is excited to see the plans coming to fruition.

“The Endeavour Hills library is loved by the local community and deserving of this investment,” Ms Luppino said.

“The improvements have been planned in direct response to the needs of our members”.

While the construction works are being undertaken from 19 September 2022 until their expected completion in mid-October 2022, visitors will be able to access library services next-door at the Endeavour Hills Leisure Centre, the council said.

For more information about the project, please contact the City of Casey’s Active Communities Team on 9705 5200.